Harmony's Healing (Downtown Book 2) Read online
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Slim and Wayne are beginning our trip playing what they love doing the most while traveling - video games. Anything that has a video game system near them they go into a trance for hours. Watching them play is like watching two five year old’s. Speaking of Wayne….I’m not sure what’s going to happen between us. Even though I don’t appreciate him digging his nose in my private affairs, he’s always going to be one of my best friends. It’s going to take time for me to get over what he did and how he ruined my relationship with Harmony. I love the dude. I know he did what he did with good intentions, but lying doesn’t sit well with me.
“Hey, you okay?” Faith brings me out of my thoughts. She sits beside me on the couch, faces me with her elbow propped up on the cushion and leans her head into her fist.
We’ve been on the road for less than an hour. Lucky is playing his guitar, along with Jason, while Slim and Wayne continue to play their video game.
“I guess so,” I shrug, crossing my arms. Faith’s question is sincere and for once I don’t mind her being next to me. My hatred and jealousy for her is over.
“Do you wish Harmony saw you off this morning?”
“Of course I do, but at the same time, no. It would have been too hard, ya know?”
“Well….it’s never too late to call her.”
“Faith, it’s over between us,” I remind her.
“I thought the same thing with Lucas. He couldn’t have hurt me more than he did all those years ago and I thought I’d never forgive him. What happened between you and Harmony seems so minor compared to me and Lucas. I don’t want you regretting living your life without her. She’s a good person and she loves you so much.” She touches my shoulder. “I wouldn’t give up on her so easily if I were you.”
“The old me would have bitten your head off for saying that,” I chuckle.
“I know you would have, but I’m glad we have gotten passed all the hatred between us. Looking forward to finally being your sister.”
I subtly nod my head. “Ya, know, it’s crazy even admitting this, but…..it’s going to be fun doing brotherly jokes on you. I’ve never had anyone to pick on before.” I chuckle again.
“Oh crap, I’m in trouble now!” Faith laughs.
After a few seconds of silence I say, “Thanks for the talk, Faith. I have a lot to think about.”
She smiles with a blush, surprised by my acknowledgement. “You’re welcome.”
I definitely have a lot to think about.
JINKS HAS BEEN ON TOUR the last two months. The day they left, I didn’t see Danny off. I did what he asked, I didn’t sneak my way over to spy on him. He made it pretty clear we were over the last night we were together. Even though I don’t regret our time together, I had a gut feeling we were not going any further in our relationship. I had to be okay with it. I cried buckets of tears in Faith’s arms, when she came looking for me, but I quickly dried up and fell asleep in the hotel room. I was drained and way too tired to go home. Plus I heard that Melody left long before Danny and I came up to the room. After I had settled in bed she texted me, to tell me she was okay and was sorry she left without telling me. I told her I drank too much and spent the night at the hotel. It was partially true, but I didn’t want to give her the gory details.
Since that night I have once again focused all my energy on work. It helps me deal with the pain of losing Danny, whom I fell deeply in love with. No one can help me but myself, so I chose work. I know I have been distant and boring lately, but I am trying so hard to be okay. I’m not feeling sorry for myself anymore, or whining about hurting Danny. What I did was wrong, yes, but I will not let it affect me any longer. If he cannot forgive me, then that is on him. I don’t hold any grudges against his choice, nor have I stopped loving him. I still have my moments of sadness, but I cannot dwell on the past, I have to move forward. My life is no longer on hold for Danny.
It’s early Monday morning. I am in one of the offices behind the registration desk, going through an insane list of needs and wants for a book signing event that is happening in July. We’ve never done one before, yet we are thrilled to have a bunch of authors attending the event; rooms are being booked on a daily basis. Helene and I are all over this and intend to help with whatever we can. I’ve never been to a book signing before, so I am pretty excited to meet some of the scheduled authors. I am a closet bookworm.
I am interrupted when there is a knock on my office door. “Come in!” I call out.
“Hey there, sister, you busy?” Melody peeks her head in.
“Hi!” I happily reply. “I’m in need of a break. So, what brings you here?” I throw my pen down on the desk and get up to give my sister a hug.
“Oh, just to visit and to ask you something.”
I lean against my desk, crossing my arms and legs. “Sure, I’m all ears. What is it?”
“Well….I think it’s time you and I go on a little vacation.”
I’m a bit taken aback. “Oh. Okay, but why?”
“Because, if you haven’t noticed, it’s been two months since he left and all you do is work, come home and then work again. Seriously, this needs to stop!”
Wow, okay….I didn’t see this coming. “What else do I have to do, Mel?” I shrug.
She puts her hands on my shoulders. “Like I said, go on a little vacation with your big sister.”
“I can’t go away, I’m needed here at the hotel.”
“Sister, you never take any time for yourself. I’m sure our surrogate mama will let you take a week off.”
“A week? I can’t be gone that long!” I laugh, because going away for a whole week is absurd.
“Sure you can! Look, I’ve already talked with Helene and she totally agrees you need a break.”
I gasp and start to get upset. “What? You went behind my back -”
“No! Of course I didn’t. She came to me.”
“Oh.” I look down at my hands.
“Look at me,” Melody firmly says. I glance up at her. “You need to get away.”
Suddenly I am feeling defeated and actually tired. Maybe I am working too much? “Maybe you’re right.”
“Pfft, of course I’m right,” she smirks and cocks a brow.
“Okay, so where should we go then?”
She clears her throat. “Well...how about Florida?”
What? She can’t be serious! JINKS is playing in Orlando for the next week. It’s the last place I want to have a vacation. “Mel -”
“Come on, aren’t you the least bit interested in seeing them in concert?”
“No, not really.” I snap her. I am very, very irritated.
“Bullshit, sister,” she bites back. “You want to see him. You know you do.”
I have worked so hard to be okay with Danny being out of my life, I can’t believe she wants me to dig up those feelings for him again. “Stop it, Mel.” I put a hand up. “I have finally made peace with the fact that we’re not going to be together - ever. And I am okay with it.” Am I trying to convince myself or to Melody?
“I don’t believe you for one second.” She calls my bluff. “You’re pretty good at hiding your true feelings, but on this one you blow.”
“Believe what you want,” I smugly say back. “I have to get back to work.” I am about to leave the office, when I open the door and Helene appears before me. “Helene!” I squeal. She scared the crap out of me!
Melody comes up behind me. “You see, I knew you would give me a hard time, so Helene and I made a pact. We are not letting you out of this so easily.”
This ambush is over the top nuts!
“My dear Harmony, come sit with me.” Her calm, collected voice immediately makes me feel a little better. She takes my hand. I have no choice, but to follow her. We sit on the loveseat that sits adjacent from the desk. I try my best to not get upset with Helene. She’s been there for me, and now Melody, so I need to listen to her. “I have made arrangements with June to fly you and your sister to Florida for the entire week, starting today.”r />
I let out a breath. “Helene, I appreciate you thinking of me, I do, but I don’t want to see Danny. I’ll go anywhere else, but Florida. I’m sorry.”
“Harm -”
“No, Melody,” I clip at her. “I’m sorry, Helene. Thank you.” I give her a hug. I wish I could go along with this idea, I just can’t do it. I need to stay far away, as long as possible from Danny.
I want to get up, but Helene won’t have it. She keeps a hold onto my hand. Oh no, what else is she going to say? “What if I told you he was missing you just as much as you were missing him, but he didn’t have the guts to tell you himself?”
“Then I’d say you were talking crazy.”
“Oh, Harmony,” she sighs, then continues to hold my hand while she swipes her phone awake and makes a call. Who is she calling? I look up at my sister and she has a huge grin on her face. What are these two up to? Helene smiles when she speaks into her phone. “Hi...yes, I do.” She holds out the phone for me. “It’s for you.”
Huh? What? A crazy thought goes straight to my head and I blurt out, “Oh, my God, it’s not Danny is it!”
Helene chuckles. “Just take it, dear,” she urges me.
I give up and grab the phone out of her hand. “Hello?”
“Hey, honey, get your ass down to Florida, pronto!” It’s Faith!
“He’s miserable without you. Please come,” she begs.
This is so out of hand! Even Faith is in on the little ambush. “I can’t believe this. You all are just nuts!” Melody starts to laugh and I stick my tongue out at her. Brat.
“We just love you, Harmony.” Faith retorts back.
I groan. “What if this backfires in my face? I don’t want to be humiliated.”
“I understand, hon, but it won’t, I promise. Please come down here, get away from the hotel. You’re entitled for a vacation too, and as your boss I am demanding it.”
I think about it for a second. Everyone here is right - I need a vacation. Plus I miss my friend and I want to see her. Oh, please don’t make me regret this, please! “Okay, I’ll come -”
“But only for the concert!” I scold. “I don’t want to be near him or anything, okay?”
“Okay, deal. Now go pack! You’re off for the rest of the day.”
“Okay, okay, I’m going.”
“Bye, love, see you soon.”
“Bye.” I give the phone back to Helene. She has a look of satisfaction on her face - a big proud smile.
Just then Melody grabs me by the wrist. “Finally! Let’s go!”
“Have fun,” Helene calls out as I am being dragged away.
“I’ll try!” I yell out.
So help me God if this backfires on me.
I couldn’t believe one minute I was working quietly in my office and the next I was landing in Orlando, Florida - my head was spinning. I didn’t even need to pack. Apparently Melody packed my bags before she came down to kidnap me. I should really hate her right now, but I can’t. My new founded family just wants me to be happy. I don’t know how Mel and I became so lucky.
The second we land, get our luggage and step outside we are blasted with the most humid weather I have ever been in. It’s so hot and muggy here, I don’t know how people live in this. Growing up we lived in many places that were humid, but it’s been awhile since I experienced this kind of weather. I am not used to it anymore.
“Damn, it’s way hot here for March! I am going to melt in this humidity!” Melody expresses exactly how I am feeling.
My skin is already dripping, I can feel the sweat rolling down my back. But the moment we climb into the cab all I can think about is the concert and seeing Danny up on that stage, after two months. “Ugh, I’m starting to feel sick. I don’t think I can do this, Mel.”
“Yes, you can,” she bumps shoulders with me. “Once we get to the hotel we’ll shake some of this anxiety off by going swimming. I need to get started early on my summer tan.”
Wasn’t she just complaining about the heat? How can she even think about getting a tan? “This is gross weather for tanning, don’t you think?”
“That’s why there is a thing called a pool!”
She has a point there. I guess we’re going swimming.
The hotel room and resort are beautiful. All because of Helene and June, we have the best suite in the entire hotel. There is a gigantic pool with a waterfall and a small liquor bar served as seats inside the pool. You can have a drink and sit on the stools, all the while staying cool in the pool. Wow. Faith really needs to think about putting a bar in the pool at Montgomery Suites. This place rocks.
Once we were done with the pool, we get something to eat and then head back up to our room for a shower. Tonight is the concert. I really can’t believe I was dragged all the way across the United States to go to this thing. This is craziest stunt ever pulled and I went along with it. Helene and Faith told me Danny has been missing me, but how come he hasn’t told me himself? Because he is a stubborn ass, that’s why! I don’t want to get my hopes up and then come to find out he wasn’t really missing me after all. Well, I guess it doesn’t even matter, I’m not going backstage, so he won’t even know that I am here. I’ll go to the concert and pretend that JINKS is just another rock band I’m coming to see play. Not too hard - Oh, who am I kidding? Just the thought of seeing him, up on that enormous stage, makes me break out in a sweat.
Melody actually did well with choosing my outfit for tonight. I’m wearing short, black shorts, an off the shoulder vintage tee and my chucks. It’s too hot outside to wear my hair down, so I pull it up in a ponytail and finish up my makeup. After that I bedazzle myself with some bling around my neck and wrists. I give myself one more glance in the mirror and take a deep breath. I’m all ready to go. There is a knock at the door. I answer it while Melody is putting the last touches of lipstick on her lips. She looks beautiful as always.
I am so surprised and happy when I open the door to find Faith standing there with a big smile on her face. “Faith!” I squeal with joy.
“Harmony!” We hug each other tightly. “I have missed you so much!”
“Same here.”
We look at each other, up and down, and compliment how the other looks. Faith never seems to have a bad hair day; her dark purple stripes and black hair totally works on her. She’s gorgeous!
“Hey, Melody,” Faith says.
“Hey, thanks for letting me tag along.”
“Why wouldn’t I? You’re just as part of the family as Harmony is.”
“Thanks,” Melody blushes. “That means a lot.”
Faith smacks her hands together. “Okay, so we ready to get going?”
“I am!” Melody grabs our purses and hands mine over to me.
I can’t step out that door. Not until I know for sure I won’t be forced to go backstage. “Wait, um… we’re not going backstage right? I mean, Melody can, but I’m just here to see the concert, that’s it.”
“Okay, then I’m ready.” I think.
I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t feeling nervous about being here, inside this big venue; I’m so close to him, yet I feel a million miles away. What’s worse is we’re only three rows from the stage - in the pit. I mean seriously? I did not want to be this far up. Hopefully with all the lights and stuff then maybe he won’t see me - if I’m lucky.
Once we find our spots Faith leaves to go be backstage. The big arena is getting crowded by the minute; it won’t be long till the show starts. “You sure you don’t want to come back with me after their opening?” Melody asks, hoping I’ll change my mind.
“No, Mel, please stop!”
“Okay, okay, I hear ya!” I didn’t mean to snap at her, my nerves are on edge right now, I just want to be invisible.
Damn, I really need to stop being so whiny, I am making myself sick. Okay….I can do this. It’s just a concert, no biggie, right? However, once the ligh
ts go down and the women start to scream, everything I told myself…..I kissed it all goodbye. I shouldn’t be so nervous to see him, but I can’t help it. The love of my life is going to be a few feet away from me!
Oh, God, the stage goes black and the music begins! Melody starts screaming, whistling and clapping her hands. I’m biting my acrylic fingernails and am in no mood to follow my sister. All of a sudden JINKS appears on the stage and the only one that catches my eye is Danny. My God he looks heavenly and drool worthy. I am going to need a cloth to wipe my mouth. He is a total rocker up there with his torn jeans, t-shirt and his hair - wow - is sexy as hell. I have always loved that fohawk. Plus the scruff on his face - I really want to scratch it with my nails. He’s so gorgeous, I can’t take my eyes off him.
“What’s up Orlando!” Lucky shouts to the crowd, they go completely insane. From the girls behind me, and with my sister screaming beside me, I am going to go deaf. “How’s everybody doing tonight!” More screaming. I stay standing, heart is racing and I am starting to sweat. “You ready to have a good time!” The women love JINKS. This amazes me because they’re not even the band that everyone has come to see. Soon enough that is all going to change. “Hit it Jason!” Jason is behind a plastic window like shield; he begins to pound on those drums, then right after, Slim and Wayne. Lucky introduces Danny, which leads him to begin to stroke that guitar of his. Immediately after Danny, Lucky gets into it and starts singing.
“Sweet fucking Jesus, they’re so hot!” Melody yells in my ear. I can’t help but agree with her. They are smokin’ hot it’s not even funny. The few songs they were playing, not once did Danny look my way. Maybe I am in the clear after all?
It’s been an amazing opening. JINKS is incredible and deserve to be number one. “Orlando you rock our world!” Lucky shouts and the crowd yells out for more! Honestly I can listen to them all day, they’re that good. I love their music. Lucky gets the audience’s attention with his sexy grin and husky voice. “Before we begin our last song, my bro here, Danny Jay -” The girls go wild. They love Danny. I don’t blame them, he’s sex on legs. Yet, I am slightly jealous. I wonder how many women he’s been with since he’s left? I can’t even think about that, the thought irritates me. Lucky continues, “He has something to say to someone who’s in the audience tonight; someone who rocks his own world. It’s all yours Danny-boy.” Huh? What is going on? Who is rocking his world? Melody suddenly nudges my arm. I look at her confused. She has one big grin on her face. She knows exactly what’s up and the reason I am here - Danny is talking to me. Directly at me. I think I am going to faint.